Massage therapy assesses and addresses soft tissues including the muscles, tendons, ligaments and a little fascia. Manual osteopathy addresses tissues and organ systems that include craniosacral fluid and rhythm, bones and joints with Muscle Energy Techniques, lymphatic system, visceral (organ) release, advanced myofascial release and cranio/facial bony alignment.
For example, if a patient came in to the clinic with an achy right shoulder the manual osteopathic therapist would potentially assess and treat the following:
- assess the spine, 1st and 2nd ribs, clavicle and scapula joint because all imbalances can refer pain to the right shoulder
- assess the liver and gall bladder for motility / mobility / circulation / innervation because dysfunction in these organs refer pain to the right shoulder
- assess the fluid dynamics of the shoulder, circulation and lymphatic flow, because congestion creates pain